Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween is Almost Here!

Halloween is Almost Here
I’m forwarding an email from “The Barcelona Family” who is sponsoring a Halloween walk again this year for our children. This is a great event which keeps our kids close in our own area where our residents designate their homes as safe “Trick or Treat Houses” (see below for a list of residences).

If you would like to participate by either opening your home up to Trick or Treaters or by volunteering to be a “crossing guard” – basically an adult or teen, not in costume, who can stand on a corner with a flashlight between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm greeting kids and families and helping with safety please email barcelonafamily@yahoo.com or call Kari Lee at 748-3555.

Block Party Kudos
Last week’s Block Party was another success with a lot of comradery and good food. I’d like to thank Ellen Farrell, Jeny Smith and Gary Robichaud for working so hard to organize the event as well as those of you who helped set up and put together those tasty dishes.

A very special and grateful Thank You also to Vanita and Austin Louie of Barcelona Avenue who gave us a very generous donation which covered all the Association’s food costs as well as some of our other incidental expenses. That was very much appreciated.

Neighbors Fighting Back
Last Wednesday, someone spotted a man looking in car windows near Turk and Masonic early in the morning. The Police were alerted and determined that the man was already on probation for possession of stolen property and had on him tools commonly used for burglary plus a collection of 23 vehicle keys.

Whether or not this was one of the persons who has been burglarizing our own cars isn’t known for sure but what this does show is that it really does pay to call the Police anytime you see something that doesn’t look right. Looking in car windows certainly fits that criteria. Just call the non-emergency 553-0123 number and do so while the person is still in our area. The Police will respond more rapidly when they know a suspect is still around.

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