Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Annual Neighborhood Association Meeting Saturday February 27th!

Hi Everyone:

The annual general membership meeting for our neighborhood association will be:

Saturday, February 27th in
the Meeting Hall at
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church at
the corner of Baker and Turk

Sign in, which provides an opportunity to meet and mingle with your neighbors for a few minutes, begins at 10:00 am and the meeting will start promptly at 10:30 am.

Guests will include:

Officers from Park Police Station and

Mark Farrell, Candidate for District 2 Supervisor

Please plan to attend as this is your chance to let us know what you’d like us to be working on this year. We’ll also be nominating and electing Officers and Board Members.

Annual dues remain at $10 per owner household and $5 per tenant household and can be paid at the door. If you’re unable to attend but would still like to support your local organization and receive newsletters about what going on, please mail a check payable to either Anza Vista Neighborhood Association or just AVCIC to Mark Sander, 15 Fortuna Ave., SF, CA 94115.

Please let me or Jeny Smith (640-8011) know if you’d be able to bring any treats or refreshments.

Remember that the entrance to the Meeting Hall is through the Church parking lot on Turk St.

Looking forward to seeing you there. Please call me if you have any questions.

Al Sodini