Thursday, September 22, 2011

AVNA update

Block Party Set for Oct 15th
Our Block Party will be held on Saturday, Oct 15th on Anzavista between Barcelona and Encanto. Please save the date and join us to meet and mingle with your neighbors.

A planning meeting will be held on Thursday, Sep 22nd at 7:00 pm at 140 Terra Vista Ave. Please attend to provide your support and ideas on how to make this year’s Block Party another success.

New Speed Limits Around the School
A public hearing was held earlier this month to establish a 15 mph speed zone around Wallenberg High School when children are present. The streets involved include:

All of Nido Avenue

All of Vega Street

O’Farrell between Masonic and Anzavista Avenues and

Anzavista between O’Farrell and Barcelona Avenue

At this point, it’s not clear when the new speed limit will begin or what signage will be used but you can be sure that, when the new limit does go into effect, it will be aggressively enforced initially so that everyone is aware of the change.

Speed Humps on Anzavista
Independent of the new speed limit, I have received a couple of requests to install traffic calming speed humps on the level portion of Anzavista between the turn on Anzavista (at the end of the 100 block) and Encanto to discourage speeding. I’m not sure if that strip qualifies as a candidate for speed humps but I’d like your thoughts as to whether we should proceed with a request to SFMTA. Other than directly around the school, the rest of our neighborhood is relatively hilly so I don’t know if speed humps would be allowed on any of our other streets.

Doggie Poop
It’s clear that there has been a spike in some dog owners not picking up their dog’s poop and, in some instances, bagging it but then leaving it on someone else’s lawn.

This is a tough one. I assume its people who transit through our area because I don’t know of any dog owner in our neighborhood that doesn’t pick up. In fact, some of you pick up even when it’s not your own.

If you do come across someone who’s disrespecting our area by not picking up, you might consider asking them to do so without being confrontational. Hopefully, they’ll be embarrassed and pick up or, at least, know that they’re being watched and stop coming though our area.

Wallenberg Car Wash
There’s a car wash at Wallenberg High School this Saturday, the 17th to help raise funds for the Senior Prom and other graduation expenses. Food and drinks will be available while you wait and the Seniors will happy to “spiff-up your ride” anytime between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.

Car Registration Tags
There have been a few thefts of car license plate registration tags in our area lately. While there are a lot worse things that can happen, the loss of a registration tag can be annoying as, besides having to fill out paperwork with DMV to get it replaced, there’s also an accompanying fee.

SFPD offers this tip: “Don’t let your old tags pile up too much on your license plate.” That just makes it all the more easier for someone to peel off the new one.

Please give me a call if you have any questions.