Dear Adopt-A-Street Volunteer,
On behalf of the Department of Public Works, I want to thank you for your commitment to beautifying your street. Volunteers like you make our City look great. As the Adopt-A-Street Program celebrates its 10th year of cleaning and greening, we want to take this opportunity to let you know that there is a new component to Adopt-A-Street that we need your help with.
Trees are important to improving air quality and beautifying the landscape, but their leaves often end up in landfill. That’s why DPW is launching an educational campaign called, Turn Brown Leaves Green, to encourage residents to pick up leaves off of their streets, sidewalks, and catch basins and put them in their green recycling carts. You can help turn leaves into new life as rich nutrient compost that can be used in gardens and vineyards.
DPW is offering Adopt-A-Street members free compostable leaf bags to assist with this process. You will also receive a coupon to save on the purchase of a rake at participating stores, which the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is providing. (Offers are limited, while supplies last.)
We encourage you to order your leaf bag and coupon by calling 3-1-1. For more information about DPW’s Adopt-A-Street Program and Turn Brown Leaves to Green Campaign, please visit the
website. You can also contact Merle Goldstone at 415-641-2625 or email her at
Thank you and we look forward to your continued participation.
Mohammed Nuru
Deputy Director of Operations,
Department of Public Works